Proud to present: LOVITT – a Hair Concept with Integrity

Before introducing our LOVITT Hair Concept Hair Tonic in the next blog entry, we’d like to kindly welcome you to our blog! This site is for you. With our blog posts we’d like to inform and inspire you about various topics, concerning a balanced lifestyle. So, stay tuned!

For our very first blog entry, we’d like to take the chance to introduce ourselves, as the people behind the product, and share our story with you! We’re a sister-duo that works together since 2014 to provide relief to people that suffer from hair loss. The idea for the hair tonic occurred to us when we wanted to help a family member of ours. It is essential to know that almost half of the German population is affected by hair loss!1 Unfortunately, hair loss still remains a taboo subject in society. The people concerned frequently suffer in silence and experience a significant damage of their self-esteem. This often leads to an unbalanced lifestyle.

We knew that we wanted to help und started to develop a recipe for a hair tonic that was supposed to bring relief. It took some time and several attempts but our personal connection to the product, made it a matter close to our hearts and strengthened our determination until it was finally ready! The sparse hair became thicker and grew quicker. We were able to watch how the zest for life returned.

Our personal as well as professional experience helped us in the successful development of the hair tonic. We used to work as homeopathic practitioners and have a comprehensive expertise, that we acquired over many years in our own practice. Therefore, we knew that if the results could be replicated, that the product could help even more people!

Since then, the hair tonic is being sold all around the world and happy customers keep sending us their progress reports. With the help of a scientific observational study, conducted by dermatologists in 2017, we were able to confirm that the hair tonic produces visible results.

However, behind the success is not only an effective product, but a refined vision. High-quality and natural ingredients aren’t desirable product features, to us they’re a matter of course. In our opinion, ethics don’t allow compromise. This vision has accompanied us along each and every step, starting with the formulation, to the production and the packaging. We consciously decided upon sustainability, transparency and quality! We offer our customers a product that we reliably stand for with our name. We’re aware that our job isn’t purely about hair care, but rather about an improved and balanced lifestyle. This requires integrity.


1Source: Apothekenumschau - www.apotheken-umschau.de/Haarausfall, abgerufen Nov. 2018